A (Debian) Linux TTY console that rocks!

No i3 or awesome here!

Just a fuck**** TTY console (oh well in a VBox :D).

It is a little bit tricky 'cause (I think) nowadays there's no much people tweaking this aspect. I found a lot of posts suggesting how to do that using grub. The problem is: now we have grub 2 and it works in a different way.

So how have I obtained this tty?

First of all pay attention, 'cause I have done this on a Debian. I don't know how it can be done in others Linux distributions, just because (as you can see later), I have used a Debian specific utility to configure the console font.

Configure grub 2

Open grub 2 configuration file:

sudo vi /etc/default/grub

and set the following rows:


then run:

sudo update-grub2

then reboot your system.

Change console font

Here I've used dpkg-reconfigure that is an utility provided by Debian.
So run:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

and then I selected:

. Combined - Latin etc... Greek 
6x12 (framebuffer only)

I think you have to reboot again... or maybe not... well if it doesn't work immediately, try a reboot :D

Why I wrote this post after so many years?
I'll think about this in the next days and I'll let you know in a couple of years :D


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